I am a Critical Fashion Practitioner who is passionate about sustainability and how people interact with their closets. Sustainability has become a loosely used term therefore losing its power. What does sustainability actually mean? The most commonly used definition is the one defined by the UN Brundtland Commission from 1987 “Meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.”. I agree with this definition for the most part, but I’d like to add that sustainability can also be a very personal term. What I mean by that is that your actions and habits to be more sustainable towards the planet have to be actions and habits that work for you in the long run and, therefore doable and sustainable for you. Everyone has different access to sustainability measures, options, and tools.

With my workshops I try to guide participants towards a sustainability approach that works for them. The workshops are set not to reach some checklist, but to create an awareness that helps the participants build a valuable wardrobe that works for them and helps them elevate their connection to their clothes.

During these workshops, I’ll challenge you to think about your clothes in a new way. Together we’ll explore how you can use your wardrobe as a diary to capture your clothing experiences, and how you can heal and care for your clothes as if they were an extension of your own body.

We’ll also practice ‘uncanceling’ your clothes by showing you to appreciate your clothes for what they are, and not just as a brand or trend that can go out of style. And finally, we’ll get inspired how to think about ways to shrink our consumption habits by focusing on smaller wardrobes without sacrificing creativity or fun!